Money Is Not The Root Of All Evil, Money Is The Route To All Freedom
In popular culture, a great amount of focus is placed on the Illuminati’s belief that money is not evil. Some view our encouragement of work and wealth as a promotion of selfishness – overlooking the true meaning of the Pyramid and its underlying messages that motivate our diligence.
In the tenets of the Illuminati, wealth is not simply a means of personal enrichment. Instead, money is a tool that can be used to fulfill each person’s duty to the advancement of the human species.
The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.
The more money a person owns, the more ability they have to positively change the lives of those who are in need. If you are poor and of good heart, and your friend’s house is burned in a fire, you will remain a good person but have no ability to help them with what they need the most. If the same house burns but you are rich, you can give your friend a place to stay and a new home because you have more than enough for yourself and anyone around you who needs it.
Money has no feeling, no voice, and no soul – its choice between good or evil is decided by those who use it.